Monday, January 02, 2006

Only Time

Why should I?
Why should I do what they say?
Why should I conform to their way?

I don't like what they do.
I'll be me,
you be you.

What's that?
You don't like the way I dress?
Are you a communist?
That's my guess.
Maybe you're just afraid.
The one that's different,
just might break away.

I will not comply with the judgement of my peers.
I will not oblige,
go ahead,
call me queer.

I don't care what you think.
I don't mind that you don't like me.
I will not be one to sink,
down to what you want me to be.

I'm the one.
The one that will go.
Go ahead and see what's to see,
do what's to do,
and be all I can be.

What's in my future?
I do not know.
You can't tell me,
who to be,
or where to go.

Where will I end up?
Only time will show.



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